ARDF - Surrey, Crescent Park - 80m event
May 11th 2019 9:00am - 1:00pm
Map: ARDF - Crescent Park Surrey
Saturday May 11, 2019 at Crescent Park, South Surrey
Pre-Hunt Coaching, Registration & Instructions 0900 - 1000.
Foxhunt commences at 1000 with barbeque at 1230.
This will be an 80 m foxhunt. If you are a beginner or don’t have a radio, then come anyhow – you can be part of a more experienced team or we will have equipment that you can use.
Talk-in 147.360+ (110.9 tone)
All are welcome, but we ask that you RSVP Anton James and indicate if you plan to attend the foxhunt or BBQ or both
To get there, take Crescent Rd. west from King George Blvd near Hwy 99, & turn off at 129th St. to parking & assembly area.
See you there!